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Light the World Giving Machine Omaha Returns to Westroads Mall

The Light the World Giving Machine, the popular vending machine that works in reverse, is open at Westroads Mall through Dec. 31.

Lukas Partners PR client Giving Machine Omaha has three machines located in the Von Maur Court’s lower level across from Santa Claus. Nebraska First Lady Suzanne Pillen joined Elder Rodney Ames, Area Seventy, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and his wife Kimberlee Ames for Friday's launch event.

The annual Light the World Giving Machine initiative is a global phenomenon sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the time it takes to swipe a credit card, anyone can donate much-needed items, such as clothing, food, hygiene products, school supplies and even livestock (goats, pigs, chickens), for those in need.

Giving Machines are customized red vending machines with a twist. The Giving Machine is a unique, fun and memorable way to do an instant act of kindness for someone in need, whether they live around the world or down the street.

Local nonprofit organizations that will participate in this year’s Light the World Giving Machine Omaha are:

·         Center for Immigrant and Refugee Advancement (Omaha)

·         Children’s Nebraska (Omaha)

·         Foster Care Closet (Lincoln)

·         New Visions Homeless Services (Council Bluffs)

·         Project Harmony (Omaha)

·         Women’s Center for Advancement (Omaha)

Giving Machine Omaha also benefits global charities Church World Service and UNICEF.

For more information about The Giving Machine, visit



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